Take the eTrain – ESC Joan Sanpera – Erasmus+

Aquest projecte internacional està coordinat per l’ESC Joan Sanpera de Les Franqueses del Vallès.

Ells mateixos ens en fan una descripció del projecte:

We are six European Schools from Spain, Greece, Poland, Italy, Slovakia and Lithuania that have decided to join together to work on the project Take the e+Train.

We’d like to develop our students’ academic, social, linguistic and digital skills that will allow them to be future European citizens capable of surviving the constant changes in their social environment.

Using the theme of trains we want to:

  • Link our schools
  • Learn about our different cultures
  • Embrace the concept of European citizenship
  • Promote social inclusion.
  • Develop ecology consciousness in our communities
  • Establish a healthy and safe style of living

For more information, visit the the Twitter account and the Project Website

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