ESC Ferrer i Guàrdia – English Day 2020

L’escola Ferrer i Guàrdia de Granollers va celebrar la seva jornada English Day el divendres 21 de febrer durant tot el dia.

L’horari de les activitats programades va ser:

9:00 Infantil 4 anys: Draw a Monster helped by 4th students
10:00 Infantil 5 anys: Draw a Monster helped by 3rd grade students
10:00 Cicle Inicial students play Board Games with cicle superior students
11:00 English Breakfast for teachers
11:30 1st graders sing some Songs to Infantil 3 anys
11:45 3rd Graders Show Roleplays offered to the rest of primary groups
13:00 English Lunch for kids
15:00 to 16:30 English Carnival

Along this week, there is an exhibition of some artworks made by 4th graders.