INS Antoni Cumella – English Day 2020

L’Institut Antoni Cumella de Granollers ha celebrat la jornada English Day el dimecres 26 de febrer. L’alumnat de 3r i 4t d’ESO i 1r de Batxillerat ha organitzat diverses activitats basades en el joc “Gaming” com a tema central de la jornada.

Han rebut la visita de fins a sis escoles de primària de Granollers. Les escoles que van participar van ser:
-ESC SalvadorEspriu
-Escola Municipal Salvador Llobet
-ESC Pereanton
-ESC Ferrer i Guàrdia
-ESC Lledoners
-ESC Ponent

Van ser 11 grups de nenes i nens, el que significa que prop de 300 alumnes van participar a l’English Day de l’INS Antoni Cumella.

Els alumnes de 6è de primària han estat els convidats a gaudir de les activitats dissenyades i guiades per l’alumnat de secundària.

Aquí podeu llegir el resum de les activitats en anglès:

Main topic: Gaming

Due to the high participation this year, there will be two different routes with different activities.

These will be:

Groups entering through the playground:
-Welcome game with maps and flashcards about typical activities, food, celebrities, sports and other themes from English speaking countries. Storytelling by students in 4th ESO, Erasmus Games (kahoots specially prepared by our students from 3rd ESO to participate to their Erasmus+ program), and a workshop where they will colour some templates and create their badges as souvenirs.

Groups entering from main entrance/hall:

Welcome game (kahoot prepared by our 3rd ESO students to check our guests’ general knowledge), Escape Room (prepared by our 1st Batxillerat students), a session of American Football in our playground. There will be some spare activities for both groups, as ‘flag’ face painting: American, Australian, British, Irish.