Taller de Storytelling

En el marc de les activitats formatives que es realitzen a la demarcació del Servei Educatiu del Baix Llobregat-6, està previst el Taller de Storytelling: Constructing language environments, a càrrec de Meredith Davis.

?   Professorat d’anglès dels centres d’Educació Primària i Secundària.

Dimarts, 29 de maig de 2018. ?

?    SE Baix Llobregat-6

⌚  12,30-14,00 h. (amb possibilitat de romandre fins a les 15,00 h. perquè s’oferirà un refrigeri per dinar gratuïtament que permetrà allargar la conversa amb la conferenciant).

Workshop: Storytelling creates exchange on many different levels; through expression, magination, critical thinking and collaborative learning. This talk will go through various ¨hands on¨ techniques for using storytelling in the classroom. In this integrated approach, the importance of language exchange, oral expression and active communication will all be stressed.

Meredith Davis has been working in ELT for more than twenty years. She has a solid humanities background from American universities and a varied skill set centered around EFL/ELT. She believes in using the arts, culture, creativity and innovation as a catalyst for reinventing and revitalizing education. Apart from teaching, she is a wordsmith and is concerned with sustainability and contributes to an online portal about energy efficiency in buildings as an editor/project manager.

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