Teacher Talks in Barcelona

Dues xerrades pedagògiques gratuïtes sobre l’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa, organitzades des del British Council, que tindran lloc presencialment a Barcelona.

Teacher Talk #2
May ’23 – Monday 15th at 19:30

Working with Diversity – SEND & Gender in our English lessons

Raising awareness of diversity in the classroom does not demand that individuals publicly identify their characteristics (e.g. ‘Hands up if you’re dyslexic!’). From a language teaching perspective, a classroom community that is aware of and embraces its own diversity is likely to engender more productive learning. In addition, awareness-raising activities could enable some individuals to understand themselves better, and so adapt their learning strategies to become more effective and efficient learners.

Teacher Talk #3
June ’23 – Monday 19th at 19:30

Storytelling and Sustainable Development Goals

How can we engage our students with key global issues without placing the weight of the world upon them? Storytelling takes us beyond boundaries of culture, ethnicity, class, gender and language and can develop our ability to empathise with others whose lives seem different from our own. With stories as our tool, we can help students learn a language creatively whilst at the same time raising awareness of the SDGs through bringing together a range of innovative ideas for teaching creatively and addressing these key issues.

Més informació a: https://britishcouncil-spain.cmail19.com/t/y-e-pquiut-djdjfuyil-r/
Inscripcions a: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/TeacherTalksBarcelona@britishcouncil.org/bookings/
Correu de contacte: hello@britishcouncil.es

Ateses les característiques d’aquestes xerrades, no es compleixen els requisits mínims per obtenir el reconeixement com a activitat de formació dins l’expedient professional del Departament d’Educació.

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