R404 – Who is she?

Welcome to the world of courageous women who changed the world.

From chemistry labs to World Championship podiums and equality marches, these ladies changed the world — forging ahead while striving against adversity. Each one of their contributions have profoundly shaped our world.  In their honor, we invite you to take a look at these brave, empowering, and inspiring women.


Recursos físics en préstec

  • Who is she? 5 sets available. A wooden guessing game about extraordinary women who changed the world.The key to winning the game is to identify each person by asking about their accomplishments, rather than their appearance. Each board comes with 28 laser-cut frames featuring hand drawn watercolor portraits by artist Daria Gołąb. Each character comes with her own biography card, full of fun and interesting anecdotes about her life.



Com fer la sol·licitud

  • Consulta el calendari de reserves de sota  per veure si està disponible en les dates que t’interessa.
  • Omple el FORMULARI  de demanda.