CESIRE participa a la “2022 ELT APAC Convention: Teaching matters”

Teaching Matters: Moving Forward In ELT

3-5 February 2022 – Online event

Presentations, workshops and lectures to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in ELT. For teachers, by teachers.

There were live sessions on 3rd and 4th February between 16:00 and 20:30h, and on 5th February from 9:00 to 14:00h. Sessions were delivered online, 50 minutes long, and included some time for questions from the audience.

CESIRE participated with a presentation of the teacher trainings that we offer from Eco 2 and Eco 3, in relation to the integration of educational yoga techniques in English language learning.

APAC-ELT2022 Convention- CESIRE’s presentation