SEMINARI ANGLÈS 19-20- sessió 3: COMPETENCES & ASSESSMENT by Anabel Borràs

A la sessió 3 del seminari vam gaudir de la presència de la Coordinadora de llengües estrangeres dels Serveis Territorials Vallès Occidental, l’Anabel Borràs.

El seu taller va estar centrat en el Currículum Competencial i la seva Avaluació tant en primària com en secundària. Uns breus apunts sobre els temes tractats:

  • What’s competence? Competence is the ability to use our knowledge and skills, in a crosswise and interactive way, in contexts and situations that require the use of knowledge linked to different areas, which involves comprehension, reflection and discernment processes, taking into account the social dimension of each situation.
  • 8 Key competences for lifelong learning. Recommendation of the European
    Parliament and of the Council, 2006:
  • Difference between FL Competences, Key Competences and FL Dimensions.
  • Assessment for Learning:
    1-Activities associated with summative assessment (Assessment of Learning) result in an evaluation of student achievement – for example, allocation to a level or standard or allocation of a letter or numerical grade, which might later appear in a report.
    2-Activities associated with formative assessment (Assessment for Learning) do not result in an evaluation. Information about what a student knows, understands and is able to do is used by both the teacher and the learner to determine where learners are in their learning and how to achieve learning goals.
  • Main Ideas:
    1- Meaningful goals and mesures
    2- Formative feedback
    3- Summative Assessment
    4- Performance Assessment
    5- Student ownership
  • Assessment tools:
    1- Digital tools
    2- Xarxa CB


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