Fonamentació teòrica per al professorat AICLE (CLIL)

Nivell: Primària Secundària Obligatòria
Format: Document Materials
Àrea de coneixement: Lingüístic

Eines i documents per conèixer i  treballar a  partir la integració de llengua i contingut a partir de l’aprenentatge d’una llengua estrangera.

  • Using languages to learn and learning to use languages

The future doesn’t just happen, it is shaped and modelled by our actions. Marsh Mars. TIE-CLIL.

Booklet about learning languages with the CLILAproach

Spanish version

French version

  • Academic Language Function Toolkit

A resource for developing academic language for all students in all content areas

  • All CLIL4Teachers

ALL CLIL4Teachers is a wiki hosted by the Association for Language Learning and is managed and maintained by the Association’s CLIL Special Interest Group. It offers a resource bank and useful links, especially for French and German as a means of instruction. There is a welcome addressed by Do Coyle and a document about the contribution CLIL can make to UK national languages capability.

AICOLE (Aprendizaje integrado de contenido y lengua) is the Comunidad de Madrid site for the bilingual programme. It offers resources for different subject areas and levels.

By Oliver Meyer, Dialnet

  • CLIL MATRIX. The CLIL Matrix is an awareness-raising and training tool for teachers who wish to consider the skills and knowledge necessary for achieving quality CLIL and to examine the extent to which they are prepared for teaching through CLIL.

Data d'incorporació: 10/07/2021